Steps by Steps on How to Make Cold Foam for Coffee in 2024.
Coffee Cold Foam is a relatively new trend that’s been gaining popularity in recent years. The cold foam has the same taste as regular coffee, but it also creates a fun and delightful experience for customers. With this blog post, you’ll learn how to make your own cold foam for Coffee at home without needing any special equipment! Let’s read on!
1. What is Cold Foam?
A cold foam is the same as a traditional coffee, but it has two differences. The first difference is that instead of adding hot water to create the beverage, cold water will be used to prepare it.
The second difference is that unlike regular milk, which can make your drink taste extra-heavy and fatty, the cold foam will give you a light and frothy texture to your beverage. While these two characteristics give the coffee a different appearance, it doesn’t change the taste of the drink one bit.
You can see steps on How to Make Cold Foam for Coffee as below.
2. How to Make Cold Foam for Coffee:
Making cold foam for coffee is simple and easy to do! You won’t need any special tools or equipment, only a blender. All you have to do is make sure that your blender has a setting where it can create froth. In addition, don’t forget to use the following ingredients:
– Milk (preferably skim milk) or heavy cream.
– Ice cubes.
– 1 or 2 tablespoons of sugar.
– Coffee grounds.
Then, simply follow these steps!
Step One: Put all of your ingredients in a blender. Add ice cubes first as the blended ingredients will melt them into water once combined together. Don’t blend too much though as too much blending will result in a drink with no texture at all so be sure to leave some ice cubes un-blended.
Step Two: Make sure that your blender’s “froth” setting is on and then blend for around 30 seconds or however long it takes to get a light and airy texture. To test if the texture is right, take out a spoon and scoop up some of the foam. If you feel small bubbles popping in-between your mouth, then it’s ready!
Step Three: Pour into a cup and enjoy! Coffee Cold Foam is best served chilled so we recommend letting it cool in your fridge before drinking. The added bonus of making cold foam at home is that you can control how much sugar goes into every drink which means you never have to worry about ordering drinks with higher amounts of sugar than you’d like!
Now that you know how to make cold foam for coffee, go ahead and give it a try at home! Frothy Coffee is the perfect Spring drink. Be sure to share your own Cold Foam drinks with us on our Facebook or Twitter page too! We can’t wait to see what beverages you come up with next!
3. What are benefits of Cold Foam?
There are a lot of benefits of using cold foam when making coffee. Some of the benefits include:
– Reduced calories.
– A smoother texture than traditional milk.
– Light and airy drink.
– Allows you to add in your own sugar to suit your tastes!
– Less expensive than buying coffee from stores or cafes.
Conclusion There are many reasons why people like Cold Foam for Coffee, but we think the main ones come down to: reduced calories and a smooth and creamy texture. When it comes to reducing calories with your hot foam, we believe that the best way is by adding skimmed milk or cream instead of full fat milk.
This might seem like a strange move at first, but just remember that skimmed products have less calories than full fat products. Plus, the smooth and creamy texture that you get from skimmed products is actually preferred by many people! Cold foam will help to create a smoother but also lighter drink which means that less sugar is required for this type of product to taste delicious.
Coffee cold foam is incredibly popular in Spring and we think it’s because it’s so simple and easy to make and you can add your own sugars and creams too! Cooling down your drink with cold froth allows you to enjoy a different type of drink all year round while still improving the overall taste. We hope this article helped you out in making coffee cold foam at home! Now get blending!
The steps on How to Make Cold Foam for Coffee as above.
4. How many type of Cold Foam?
There are 2 types of cold foam, one with dairy ingredient and another is coffee jelly. You can add sugar or milk in both types before blending.
You can simply make cold foam for yourself follow the steps on How to Make Cold Foam for Coffee as above.
5. What kind of milk should be used for Cold Foam?
Cold foam is usually made with skimmed milk, but you can even use coconut milk if you want. If you want to try something new, we suggest giving non-dairy alternatives like almond or cashew a shot! We recommend using unsweetened drinks as they will add more flavor to your drink rather than making them taste overly sweet.
How long does it take to make Cold Foam for Coffee?
It generally takes about 30 seconds when using a blender with the “froth” setting on it. This means that if you’re using a regular blender, then it will take around 1-2 minutes for your drink to be ready!
6. What is the difference between Cold Foam and Ice Blended?
One of the main differences between cold foam and ice blended drinks is texture. Cold foam has a lighter and smoother texture which means that a specific type of flavor can be tasted better. If you want to make a coffee with more flavor, we recommend going for an iced drink as the physical changes in temperature will change the way that certain flavors are picked up by your tongue.
Ice blended drinks also tend to have melted ice inside them as well as stuff like powdered mixes so they’re generally thicker than cold foam which is created just with liquid ingredients.
7. Steps on How to Make Cold Foam for Coffee without a blender.
Step 1: Add all your ingredients into a glass. Ensure that the milk is cold and not hot as this will ruin the froth.
Step 2: Shake the glass very well. Make sure to shake it for at least 30 seconds! You can also use a cocktail shaker if you have one on hand to make the process even easier.
Step 3: Get yourself a teaspoon and scoop some of the foam off using another spoon or small plate. This makes it much easier when putting your drink together in the long run! This way, there won’t be any ice chunks inside your drink which might affect its overall taste.
Step 4: Use the foam to top up your coffee with cream! We recommend getting an app instead of a phone to place the foam, as these tend to be a lot better at holding your drink.
Step 5: Enjoy your tasty iced coffee with a smooth texture! If you’re doing this without a blender, we recommend drinking it quickly before the milk defrosts any further. We hope you enjoyed our article on How to Make Cold Foam for Coffee without a Blender and please follow us on Pinterest for more food articles! – Food Recipes World
We already knew How to Make Cold Foam for Coffee as above. Now, let’s see some Tips and Guides on Making good Cold Foam as below:
Tips and Guides on How to Make Cold Foam for Coffee.
1. Tips on How to Make Cold Foam for Coffee.
There are some tips on How to Make Cold Foam for Coffee as below:
Ensure that your cold foam is blended thoroughly so you don’t have to worry about any chunks of ice ruining the texture.
A cold foam can be easily replicated with a fork as well as a spoon, just ensure that the coffee has been shaken for at least 30 seconds before scooping it up.
Mix-ins such as chocolate powder and cinnamon are great ways to jazz up your cold foam!
If you want to make iced coffee more interesting, we recommend adding colors like pink and blue! We even heard of some people using red food coloring to make their drink look like blood (although we do not recommend doing this)!
Add fruits or anything else that will make your drink taste great and give it an interesting texture too!
By adding different things to your cold foam, you can make it sweeter or saltier so experiment with flavors and find out what works best for you!
Add cream cheese to your coffee for a smooth and tasty twist – we recommend using Philadelphia Cream Cheese as it has less fat than other brands! We hope that these tips were helpful in showing you how to achieve great tasting iced drinks and please follow us on Pinterest for more food articles! – Food Recipes World
2. How does Starbucks make cold milk foam?
Starbucks prepares cold foam for drinks by mixing a small amount of ice with the milk and then shaking it vigorously in a cocktail shaker. They only add the ice when making cold foam to ensure that there isn’t too much added water, which would change the texture of the drink’s base.
The purpose of adding ice is also to lower the temperature of the milk; this means that Starbucks stores their milk in refrigeration units at slightly warmer temperatures than most other restaurants and food chains do.
The benefit of storing their refrigerated milk at warmer temperatures is that they can stretch it further. This allows them to save money by purchasing less product while still giving customers enough beverage throughout each visit.
You can see the progress on How to Make Cold Foam for Coffee as above.
3. What does Starbucks use for cold foam?
Starbucks uses cold foam (milk that has been shaken or blended with ice) in many different drinks such as their raspberry iced tea lemonade and many of their Frappuccino beverages, including the caramel ribbon crunch Frappuccino and the cinnamon Dolce Latte.
4. What ingredients are in Starbucks cold foam?
Starbucks does not list the ingredients used to make their cold foam on any of their official menus or nutritional information guides. However, we can surmise what goes into the cold foam based on similar recipes for homemade cold foams.
We do know that Starbucks milk is available in whole, non-fat and soy varieties so we can account for all three kinds of milk when making an assumption about what goes into the Starbucks cold foam.
5. What are Starbucks drink ingredients?
Starbucks drinks are made with a variety of ingredients including espresso, steamed milk, syrup and sometimes even flavored powders. These beverages range in their calorie content depending on size, flavor and type of milk used. For example, a tall (12 ounce) iced latte with whole milk has 190 calories while the same sized iced cafe mocha with non-fat milk contains 120 calories.
A venti iced coffee with soy milk contains 200 calories per serving. These numbers do not include any add-ons like syrups or cream that may be added for extra flavoring or texture.
6. What we need to pay attention to have a delicious Cold Foam?
Shaking the milk and ice together vigorously is a very important step in making cold foam. The more you shake, the smaller the ice crystals will become, resulting in a smoother texture. This means that Starbucks baristas are probably shaking their milk and ice for at least 30 seconds before scooping it into your beverage of choice!
In terms of additional flavors, this is totally up to you! You can experiment with adding chocolate powder or cinnamon as another flavor enhancer if you’re looking for new ways to enjoy cold foam. However, there’s no reason why you can’t just stick with what you know works – extra flavoring isn’t necessary for an aesthetically pleasing Cold Foam creation.
You can refer How to Make Cold Foam for Coffee as above.
7. What would happen if we shook longer? Will it become more creamier?
Shaking the milk and ice together for at least 30 seconds will result in an aesthetically pleasing cold foam. Any longer than this, however, doesn’t change the texture or taste of your Starbucks cold foam too much! If you’re looking to get the most out of each sip, it might be worth trying to shake your Milk + Ice together for one minute straight, but otherwise there’s no need to overthink it.
8. Some Cold Foam Recipes for Coffee:
You can follow the steps on How to Make Cold Foam for Coffee as above then making some cold foam recipes for coffee as below:
8.1. Cold Foam Cappuccino:
Ingredients: ¼ cup cold espresso (or strong coffee) 2 teaspoons chocolate syrup ½ teaspoon vanilla extract Cold milk and ice cubes.
Preparation: Combine the chocolate syrup, vanilla extract, cold espresso (or strong coffee) and ice in a shaker. Shake until you have a smooth mixture. Pour the mixture into the cappuccino cup, using the back of a spoon to get rid of any foam that may be left on top. Top with freshly grated chocolate if desired.
8.2. Cinnamon Dolce Latte:
Ingredients: 1/4 cup whole milk 1 tablespoon white sugar ¾ teaspoon ground cinnamon Pinch of salt Cold milk and ice cubes.
Preparation: In a small bowl or mug , combine white sugar, cinnamon and salt. Stir to mix thoroughly. Fill a glass with ice cubes and pour cold milk over the ice – approximately 1/4 cup of milk for every tablespoon of sugar mixture used.
Stir or shake together until sugar is dissolved and place in freezer for 1 minute (optional). Remove from freezer and stir again once more before using it as a topping for your latte.
8.3. Cold Foamed Iced Coffee:
Ingredients: 4 teaspoons white granulated sugar 2-3 tablespoons cream cheese ¾ cup milk, cold Toppings: chocolate syrup ground cinnamon whipped cream espresso shots (for decoration).
Preparation: Combine the cream cheese and white sugar in a small bowl, mixing well. Slowly add the chilled milk, stirring constantly so that no lumps form. Pour into a blender and blend for just a few seconds, then transfer to a sealable container and immediately place in the freezer for 30 minutes.
Remove from the freezer and give it another good stir before serving as a topping on your favorite iced coffee beverage.
8.4. Cold Foamed Caramel Macchiato:
Ingredients: 4 teaspoons white granulated sugar 1-2 tablespoons mascarpone cheese ¼ cup milk, cold Toppings: caramel sauce chocolate syrup ground cinnamon whipped cream espresso shots (for decoration).
Preparation: Combine the white sugar and mascarpone cheese in a small bowl, mixing well. Slowly add the chilled milk, stirring constantly so that no lumps form. into a thermos or sealable container and immediately place in the freezer for 30 minutes. Remove from the freezer and give it another good stir before serving as a topping on your favorite cold beverage.
8.5. Cold Foamed White Hot Chocolate:
Ingredients: 4 teaspoons white granulated sugar 1-2 tablespoons mascarpone cheese ¾ cup milk, cold Toppings: whipped cream chocolate syrup ground cinnamon espresso shots (for decoration)
Preparation: Combine the white sugar and mascarpone cheese in a small bowl, mixing well. Slowly add the chilled milk, stirring constantly so that no lumps form. Fill a glass with ice cubes and pour cold milk over them – approximately 1/4 cup of milk for every tablespoon of sugar mixture used. Stir or shake together until sugar is dissolved and place in freezer for 1 minute (optional).
Remove from freezer and stir again once more before using it as a topping on your favorite hot chocolate beverage.
8.6. Common Mistakes when Making Cold Foam.
There are steps on How to Make Cold Foam for Coffee as above and there are some mistakes when making cold foam:
Not using cold ingredients – The main reason cold foam does not work is that the ingredients are at room temperature or even in the fridge but not cold enough. This would be similar to making a regular cappuccino coffee, putting it in the refrigerator for an hour, then trying to make foam out of it.
No sugar – The main ingredient which serves as “foam” in cold foam is sugar, so if there’s no sugar present, you won’t get any foam! However, this doesn’t mean that you need to add sugar into everything you will use to make your cold foamed coffee drinks because different types of milk contain their own natural sugars which will produce enough “am” on their own when combined with cold espresso shots.
Not blending at right temperature – Espresso is an excellent temperature as it makes the drink taste better but this same temperature may not be suitable for making cold foam out of it because you need to let the coffee cool down first before putting it into the refrigerator.
Otherwise if you do try to blend this very hot liquid with sugar and milk, your blender might end up getting damaged due to it being too hot and powerful which would then lead onto having a huge mess on your hands!
The best way to go about doing this is by first pouring your espresso shot in a glass containing ice cubes, stirring once so that the heat from the shot doesn’t melt all of the ice cubes at once. Allow it to sit for about 5 to 10 minutes, stirring once more before pouring this cooled espresso shot into a sealable container and place it in the refrigerator until chilled.
Not using enough sugar – This is definitely one of the worse mistakes you can make when preparing cold foam. Just as how adding too much sugar will spoil your dessert drink because of its overwhelming taste, adding too little of it won’t create a rich tasting “foamed” beverage which is what you would want out of a cold foam based coffee drink.
You need to use at least 1 teaspoon of white granulated sugar for every 3 ounces (approx) cup of milk used – if you’re going for something sweeter then go for 2 teaspoons or even more! Keep in mind that the sugar is what makes the whole thing “bubble” once mixed together and blended so it’s important not to go overboard with this.
Not using enough milk – This may sound odd since you’re creating a drink that consists of milk, but bear with me on this one. Milk is the main ingredient used for making cold foam because it’s rich in protein which helps to create its “foam”.
If too much milk is added into the sugar mixture then there will be no room for bubbles to form once you have blended everything together so caution plays a big role here! You don’t need to use an excessive amount of milk though, just enough so that the sugar can do its job of creating bubbles/foam when being blended.
Not waiting long enough – You want to let your ingredients sit inside the refrigerator for at least an hour before blending everything together since doing it right away won’t give you a great result.
Give time for the flavors of each ingredient to mix together and if a stronger taste is desired, wait a little longer until it has been refrigerated so that those added sugars have time to dissolve into the espresso shot or milk being used.
Blending on too high of speed – A good rule of thumb when making cold foam is do not blend on too high of a speed as this will damage some of the ingredients as well as potentially cause more bubbles instead of actual foam being created from all that mixing going on inside your blender!
Start out on low speed or else you will have a watery drink instead of foam so blend for about 10 to 15 seconds before moving onto higher speeds.
Not using any milk – Well, it’s obvious that this is wrong so I’m sure no one would ever try it but worth mentioning just in case! Cold foamed coffee drinks are made from milk mixed with sugar and espresso shot so if there’s none of the three present then you won’t get anything out of this except for maybe a nice cup of cold coffee… which is exactly why this mistake isn’t such a great idea.
Keep in mind that when making cold foamed drinks, adding more milk into what you’re blending without increasing the amount of sugar and/or espresso shots won’t do anything to compliment that drink and instead just make it watery.
Not prepping the blender correctly – Once you have all of your ingredients prepared, it’s very important that you start by prepping your blender before throwing everything into it! This means turning the blender upside-down over a clean surface or sink with its lid facing downward so that any spills will go right into your sink instead of your counter tops where they can cause a huge mess later on.
When blending ice cubes, grasp them tightly in one hand whilst using the other to firmly hold down the blender lid so that no slippage occurs when trying to blend those frozen ingredients. Only once are fully blended are you able to remove both hands from your blender’s lid and remove it from the blender itself.
Not using enough espresso shots – It’s common knowledge that cold foam based drinks are made from milk (or soy/almond), sugar and espresso shot so if any of these ingredients is missing then you won’t get a drink but instead just a cup of coffee with some bubbles on top!
Usually 1 to 2 teaspoons will be sufficient for creating an 8-ounce drink, though keep in mind that this also depends on how strong the shot is being used. Some people may want a sweeter tasting cold foamed drink so feel free to add more sugar until you have found your perfect taste.
Not adding ice cubes last – As seen in my 10 tips article, when preparing to make a cold foam based drink, add in your espresso shots/water and sugar mixture first before pouring in the milk. Once only half of the glass is full with this liquid mixture, add in a few ice cubes to help cool down everything else since this will make it easier for the blender to handle.
Then blend everything together until you have created that classic thick foam on top!
Using warm ingredients – Please keep in mind that you must always start by adding all of your ice cold ingredients into the blender before anything else so that way none of them warm up due to being mixed together beforehand with another ingredient.
If done correctly then there should be no issue when preparing a nice glass of foamed coffee but if not then you’ll soon find yourself with an unappetizing drink!
Mixing for too long – When blending milk into the sugar and espresso shot mixture, only blend on low speed for no longer than 15 seconds at a time in order to prevent ice chunks from forming in your cold beverage.
If you notice that the milk is still curdled in appearance then simply stop the blender and try again after 30 seconds of resting time before trying it once more until all lumps are gone. Once done correctly, this infamous cold foamed drink will be yours to enjoy!
Blending at too high of a speed – While mixing anything together, especially milk-based liquids like cream or even water itself, please keep in mind that increasing the power of your blender while doing so will always lead to the creation of larger bubbles.
Which in turn can clog up your blender’s vents and/or cause it to overflow when trying to blend something quickly. Just keep this tip in mind while preparing any cold foamed drinks and you should be fine.
Not preparing glasses ahead of time – The best thing about making cold foam based drinks are that you can use almost any standard drinking glass or mug so long as its narrow enough for your blender’s blades to reach! As soon as your ready to make your drink, set out all of the glasses/mugs that you want to fill beforehand then place them near where you’ll be making that drink.
Then once all ingredients have been blended together into a perfect foam, you can then just pour that into the glasses/mugs that are ready to go in order to finally enjoy your cold foamed drink!
Blending for too short of a time – Just like with preparing coffee shots, ice cubes and water-based liquids, please make sure to blend your ingredients together on low power before increasing the speed gradually until it reaches high power at least 30 seconds before you want to take everything out.
This will prevent any chunks from forming in your drink plus is also best practice for most blenders since this prevents them from overheating due to working too hard during the actual blending process. Once mixed correctly no lumps should be present when drinking so if they are then repeat steps 1 through 6 once more then try again!
Using too much milk – Please keep in mind that you should only use one full cup of milk right before the ice cubes are added, otherwise more liquid will just be added into your drink after it has been blended together plus some foam may also be lost which will no longer taste as sweet or thick once you have finished mixing everything together.
FAQs about How to Make Cold Foam for Coffee.
1. Question: If the milk is curdled in appearance, how can I save my drink?
Answer: If you notice that your milk has become curdled in appearance while mixing everything together, then this typically means that it was added too early or at a temperature that was too high. Just pour everything into another container then start over by making sure to add your ice cubes first before anything else plus make sure to use cold milk instead of warm/hot.
Once done correctly, your drink will taste just as sweet and creamy as before!
2. Question: How much foam should be used while preparing coffee drinks?
Answer: There’s no exact amount when it comes down to coffee drinks since everyone likes their beverages prepared but we recommend using anywhere from 1 to 3 tablespoons of milk or cream depending on how rich you want your coffee shots to turn out. This will not only make any added foam look more presentable but also result in a much richer taste while drinking.
You can refer steps on How to Make Cold Foam for Coffee as above.
3. Question: How long should I blend for?
Answer: You should blend everything together for at least 30 seconds, after which you can then choose to either pour your drink into another container or just leave it inside the blender itself. Just remember that the longer you mix, the larger your bubbles before “foaming” so if this happens please stop blending immediately!
Additionally, avoid blending too many ingredients together for over 60 seconds since this may damage your blender’s motor due to being overloaded by all of those hard ice cubes and frozen milk!
4. Question: What if my milk and/or cream is not cold enough?
Answer: If the milk or cream that you’re using is just a tad too warm then place everything inside of your refrigerator for an hour before attempting this one more time.
However, we highly recommend taking things out at least 30 minutes in advance so as to not become colder than what’s needed to make cold foam. Additionally, please keep in mind that for those who like to freeze their already prepared coffee drinks, this will definitely help prolong the overall life span of your blender since it won’t be working as hard once turned on.
There are How to Make Cold Foam for Coffee as above.
5. Question: Why can’t I hear any ice cubes inside the blender while making cold foam?
Answer: Be sure not to use too many ice cubes together in your blender at once since this will prevent the blades from being able to rotate smoothly for more than 10 seconds, which in turn prevents any added noise while blending.
Instead try using enough ice cubes so that they can be spread out evenly within the very bottom of your blender’s pitcher before adding your milk plus cream plus anything else that you may want added into your coffee drink.
6. Question: What if my blender is rather cheap?
Answer: If you’re using a drill-type mixer then it’s best not to expect much foam when making cold drinks when compared to more expensive models with blades instead of drills. This is because drills are designed slightly different and therefore often lack the same range of motion, torque and/or power as those with blades.
So for this type of blender, we recommend using a maximum of 1 to 2 tablespoons of either milk or cream before blending together anything else so as to reduce the level of foam that will be created once everything is mixed together.
7. Question: Why can’t I pour my drink into another container?
Answer: This happens because your drink was not cold enough which prevents it from pouring right out like normal without any froth sticking onto the sides first.
Instead you’ll need to leave your blender running until the sound levels change and this signals that all foaming has stopped plus also indicates that your drink is now ready to enjoy! However, please note that if you do not turn off your mixer first then it may overflow once you pour it into another container.
8. Question: Why is my drink rather watery?
Answer: If your cup of coffee has the consistency of soup then this means that either too much milk or cream was used or too many ice cubes were blended together for way too long instead of just enough time to mix everything together properly.
This results in an overall drop in both pressure plus temperature so even if your measurements were accurate during measurements, they may now be inaccurate due to the actual speed at which the blender works. So for example, if you accidentally measure out 1 tablespoon instead of 1 teaspoon inside of your mixture, this will cause issues with how well everything blends together over time.
Or imagine measuring out 2 tablespoons worth when previously using just 1! So in the end, if you find your drink watery then try using less of either milk or cream before attempting to make cold foam with any additional ingredients that you may want included into your coffee drink.
9. Question: Why does my drink taste like ice cubes?
Answer: If your cup of coffee tastes like drinking melted ice cubes then this means that either too much milk or cream was used since both items tend to overpower everything else very quickly unless used in smaller quantities. Or it means that you’ve blended together for more than 30 seconds and/or added way too many ice cubes at once instead of doing so in small groups until all foaming is complete.
As a result, we highly recommend waiting patiently over time when making drinks with lots of ice cubes included. This is because the drink will take longer to make however you’ll be using your blender in a safe manner which will avoid possible accidents, instead of forcing it to mix things together too quickly!
10 Question: Why does my drink taste like milk?
Answer: First off, if this happens with all cups that you make then it means that either too much milk or cream was used since both items tend to overpower everything else very quickly unless used in smaller quantities.
Or perhaps there’s just an odd imbalance between your coffee grounds + any additional ingredients since both of these items combine with each other over time over time before they blend together so the final mixture may not turn out exactly as expected. However please note that if this only happens every now and then with certain drinks that you make then it may mean that too much milk or cream was used.
11 Question: Why does my drink taste like coffee grinds?
Answer: This happens because your cup of coffee is now forcing the blender to work harder than normal since this function has been activated for longer periods of time than designed which results in more heat being produced.
As a result, your drink will be tasting different until frothing ends although please note that if you’ve blended together for way too long without adding any additional ingredients afterwards then grinding may still continue but only very slowly which means that this will not change how hot or cold things are inside of the blender itself at all.
Cold foam is a newer trend in coffee, and it’s becoming more mainstream every day. If you want to make cold foam for your customers but don’t know how, we can walk you through the steps of making this trendy drink with our blog post!
This post will provide you Steps on How to Make Cold Foam for Coffee. Besides that, we provide some tips and guides on making a delicious Cold Foam. Feel free to contact us if you have any question, we will reply all. Thanks for reading!
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